A.K. Bhattacharya M.D. F.A.C.S.
55 Schanck Road Suite A-4
Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732.683.1033
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Double Board Certified
Cosmetic and Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery of the Face and Body
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Breast Reconstruction
Insurance-covered Breast Implants after Mastectomy Surgery
The plastic surgery community has made great strides in breast reconstruction surgery over the past 10 years.
Working hand in hand with cancer surgeons, plastic surgeons are giving breast cancer patients the most natural-looking breast reconstruction possible, often making a diagnosis of breast cancer easier to bear.
Mastectomy surgery in prior years meant everything in the breast area was surgically removed. Today’s modified mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction is literally changing the shape of post-breast cancer breast reconstruction. The skin-sparing mastectomy allows a plastic surgeon to begin breast reconstruction immediately, which reduces the trauma of mastectomy.

The modified mastectomy has become an accepted breast reconstruction, and new innovations in the technique are continuously being introduced. Even smaller women with less breast tissue can have a more natural-looking breast after Reconstruction with Breast Implants.
Is this right for me ?
Breast reconstruction is a highly individualized procedure. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.

Breast reconstruction is a good option for you if:
You are able to cope well with your diagnosis and treatment
You do not have additional medical conditions or other illnesses that may impair healing
You have a positive outlook and realistic goals for restoring your breast and body image
Breast reconstruction typically involves several procedures performed in multiple stages.
It can:
Begin at the same time as mastectomy, or
Be delayed until you heal from mastectomy and recover from any additional cancer treatments
It’s important that you feel ready for the emotional adjustment involved in breast reconstruction. It may take some time to accept the results of breast reconstruction.
Breast implant surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete. You can be back to work in a few days. Physical contact with breasts can be comfortable within 3 to 4 weeks. Fading of scars will occur within several months to a year or more.
Although you may be up and about in a day or two, your breasts may still ache occasionally for a couple of weeks. You should avoid lifting or pushing anything heavy for three or four weeks. Most women can return to work (if it’s not too strenuous) and social activities in about two weeks, but you should limit your exercises to stretching, bending, and swimming until your energy level returns. You’ll also need a good athletic bra for support. Much of the swelling and bruising will disappear in the first few weeks, and it may be six months to a year before your breasts settle into their new shape.