A.K. Bhattacharya M.D. F.A.C.S.
55 Schanck Road Suite A-4
Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732.683.1033
Free Cosmetic Consultations*
Double Board Certified
Cosmetic and Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery of the Face and Body
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Before and After
Body Gallery
Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Arm Lift/Brachioplasty Photos
Our online photo gallery can help you evaluate the results that we are able to achieve, and envision possible outcomes for your own plastic surgery. Photographs shown are actual patients of Dr. Bhattacharya.
In addition to these photos available on our Web site, we have more for you to review during your in-person consultation at our office in Freehold, Monmouth County NJ.

Dr. Bhattacharya performed a Mommy Makeover on this patient, which in her case, a Breast Lift, and Tummy Tuck were needed. She has a more youthful shape, and was thrilled to have her pre-pregnancy body back!

Dr. Bhattacharya performed a "mommy makeover" on this patient. She desired a flatter, smaller waistline, and a Breast Lift to return her body to her pre-pregnancy shape.

Abdominoplasty performed on a 45 year old, 130 lbs. Photo shown is 4 weeks after surgery was performed.

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) performed on a 48 year old who had excess skin from losing over 100 lbs. 5'3'' 120 lbs

Dr. Bhattacharya performed Liposuction on this patient.

Dr. Bhattacharya performed Liposuction on this patient, and used the collected fat to add contour to the hips.

Abdominoplasty performed on a 49 year old with excess abdominal skin.

Brachioplasty performed on a 39 year old with excess arm skin.

Abdominoploasty performed on a 37 year old, 5'1'' 130 lbs